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Module 2: Syntax
Syntax explores how words are combined to create meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. Understanding syntax is crucial for effective communication and unlocking the complexities of a language.

The following introduction is organised in four different points that shortly describe the four main topics explained in the following lessons.
This lesson is about learning/repeating clause and sentence structures, as these are important in syntax (= the study of sentence structure). You've probably heard and learnt most of this before, but it's always good to review this important grammatical topic.

This lesson describes the verbal categories related to time. You’ll get an overview of the two fundamental categories of tense and aspect. This helps you distinguish between the location of an action in time and the duration, completion, and relevance of it.
Lesson 3 defines dependency grammar as an alternative perspective we can use to analyse the structure of a sentence, focusing on its starting point: the verb.

In Lesson 4 of the Syntax module, you will look into Phrase Structure Rules and learn how to break down sentences into tree diagrams. This helps you understand what it takes to build new sentences in order to communicate ideas clearly.
Final Quiz
1. What is the difference between an indirect and a direct object?
2. Is it true that a subject complement immediately follows the verb and the object complement immediately follows the direct object?
3. What is progressive aspect used for?
To express facts.
To show that an action is not finished.
To show the relevance of a fact in the present moment.
4. Which tense in the English language is built with modals?​
5. Which of the following statements is correct?
Arguments are not necessary constituents.
A verb cannot require more than two arguments.
Adverbials give extra and more detailed information.
6. How many types of valency can a verb have?
Only one
7. What kind of phrase is in recent years?
Noun phrase
Adjective phrase
Prepositional phrase
8. A correct sentence in English needs to consist of:
A verb.
A verb, a determiner, and noun phrase.
A verb phrase and a noun phrase.

This solution was created by linguistics students and has not been reviewed by experts. Please use it for reference only.